Online seminars for Vlaams Supercomputer Centrum (VSC)
Why should you attend?
Provide the participants a holistic overview of Quantum Computing today and its roadmap for the next years.
Allow the audience to develop insights about the applicability of Quantum Computing for their area of responsibility and future aspirations.
Supply the enrollees with knowledge and references to additional resources, which are relevant for their respective professional activity areas.
Allow the participants to become part of a new Community of Interest, centered around Quantum Computing and Quantum Applications.
Profile of the Participants
Professors, Researchers, PhD Students and Master Students from any Faculty or Department, who want to discover the potential of Quantum Computing or learn about its relationship with their area of study and expertise.
Line of Business Leaders with an “Innovation Agenda”, aiming at differentiation and relevance for business and society.
Architects who want to stay tuned about the most recent information technologies that have the potential to create business value for their clients.
Data Scientist who want to learn more about the potential of new hardware for Machine.
Lead Developers and Cloud Architects who want to discover a new paradigm for their daily Cloud, but which requires a new way of thinking.
Prerequisite Knowledge
MOST IMPORTANTLY: Curiosity to discover an exciting new world!
It is an advantage to master
Basics of Linear Algebra
Basics of Computer Architectures
Basics of Python or at least another Programming Language
In only 2 hours time you get acquainted in several topics of Quantum Computing.
The lectures include demonstrations and optional exercises that you can make as homework.
You also get the opportunity to discuss in safe teams the theme of the day, and apply their unbounded creativity to solve an enjoyable challenge.
Remarkable solutions and ideas will be awarded with special attention on our website.
Sessions Overview
Session 1 | Quantum Computing, a Holistic Overview
Eric Michiels, IBM Quantum Technical Ambassador
Date & Time: 10/2/2022, 16:00, Register here
Session 2 | Famous Quantum Algorithms
Eric Michiels, IBM Quantum Technical Ambassador
Date & Time: 17/2/2022, 14:00, Register here
Session 3 | Quantum Machine Learning
Eric Michiels, IBM Quantum Technical Ambassador & TBA
Date & Time: 24/2/2022, 16:00, Register here
Session 4 | Quantum Computing for Quantum Simulations and Chemistry
Gavin Jones, Manager & Research Staff Member Quantum Applications, IBM Quantum Technical Ambassador
Date & Time: 10/3/2022, 17:00, Register here
Session 5 | Quantum Optimization
Sean Wagner, Research Scientist at National Innovation Team and IBM Quantum Technical Ambassador
Date & Time: 24/3/2022, 14:00, Register here
Session 6 | Quantum Computing for the Financial Sector
Noelle Ibrahim, Industry Consultant Financial Services at IBM Quantum Industry and Technical Services
Date & Time: 31/3/2022, 16:00, Register here
Each seminar can be followed separately and you can follow one or more sessions.
This event is organized by: