Exciting news for Ph.D. students in Belgium! 🇧🇪💻

IBM attaches great importance to promoting research in informatics and its applications. Through the patronage of IBM Belgium, the FWO awards an annual "IBM Innovation Award".
Prize amounts to €5,000
In recognition of an outstanding PhD thesis that presents an original contribution to informatics or its applications in one of the following fields:
Artificial Intelligence
Analytics & Big Data
Cyber Security
(Hybrid) Cloud Computing
Quantum Computing
The informatics part of the work must be both thorough and advanced.
Profile and conditions
You are a postdoctoral researcher who has obtained his/her PhD thesis from a Flemish University or the Royal Military Academy between 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2022.
You are affiliated to a recognized university or the Royal Military Academy at the time of the deadline (May 15, 2023).
Submit your application to prijzen@fwo.be using the appropriate form on May 15, 2023 at the latest.
A scientific jury evaluates all applications
The jury selects the winner
For more info concerning regulations and application, please click the below button