Parallel programming with MPI (Hybrid Course)
Thu, 25 Apr
|ICTS KU Leuven
This course takes 4 half days.

Time & Location
25 Apr 2024, 10:00 – 12:00
ICTS KU Leuven, Willem de Croylaan 52/bus 5580, 3001 Leuven, Belgium
About the Event
The Message Passing Interface is the de facto standard for distributed programming in a scientific context. It is implemented in libraries that can be used from C/C++/Fortran, although wrappers for other languages exist as well. To write efficient code, a thorough understanding of the semantics of the API is required, this course will emphasize potential performance hazards and pitfalls.  The strengths and weaknesses of various MPI features are discussed. In several hands-on sessions, the participant has the opportunity to experiment.
- Parallel architectures and programming models
- MPI overview
- MPI programming model
- Messages and point-to-point communication
- Non-blocking communication
- Derived data types
- Virtual topologies
- Collective communication
- MPI-2 overview
- MPI-2 one-sided communication
- Parallel debugging
- MPI-2 parallel file
- MPI-3 overview
This MPI-course covers the full MPI-3 standard.
Target audienceThis info session is primarily targeted at VSC-users, although other interested parties are welcome as well.
Previous knowledgeA good working knowledge of C/C++ or Fortran programming is expected. Basic knowledge of Linux usage and HPC systems helps. Level: Intermediate
Result/Objectives- Participants are able to start developing distributed applications using MPI
- Good understanding of the semantics of MPI features
- Awareness of potential pitfalls
- Familiarity with the new features in the MPI-3 standard
Remark The course material was developed by dr. Rolf Rabenseifner (HRLS, Stuttgart, Germany).